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Dec. 5, 2024
by Mike Palecek
Yesterday a man from Minnesota was shot dead in the streets of New York City. He was the CEO of a large insurance company.
There has been much discussion of the event. Some are saying he deserved his fate because of the practices of his company. Others say no matter what, killing is wrong.
I first heard the news on WCCO Radio in Minneapolis around noon. The host, in relating the story, made it evident that he could see how this could happen, given the nature of this particular insurance company, and intimated that his son had not been treated fairly by them.
Some could be thinking there are others, in business, in political life, who might have a similar fate long overdue.
Can’t you at least imagine where these sentiments might come from?
The cost of living for “regular” people is out of control. We fear that our votes are not counted. Our tax dollars go to fund unjust wars in sums beyond the imagination of “regular” people, while the poor and disaster victims in the U.S. go begging.
We are never asked, what is our preference. We are only told what is happening, or has happened, or will happen. The truth dies an unheralded death in any U.S. courtroom. It does appear we have few choices.
The whispers of revolution have long been in the air in the United States, but no one really believes it would come to that, largely because the American people do not have it in them, in their hearts, or in their heads.
Malcolm X said, by any means necessary.
Daniel Berrigan said, “No principle is worth the sacrifice of a single human being.”
I say that if we had the truth in front of our faces rather than the lies presented by our newspapers, radio, television, that would take us a far distance in the direction toward the hope and change we’re looking for.
The truth ends war. The truth ends poverty. The truth gives the people inspiration, the spark that ignites hope. We have a chance. That's all we need.
There are just so many lies we have lived with for our entire lives. We are drowning in bullshit, going down for the last time.
We subsist on lies, but it’s not really living.
We deserve better.
From the comments section:
•My mother has stage 4 colon cancer this company has denied her kemo treatment this company has denied a lot of folks treatment who later died. Let this be a lesson to all who work for United health. You guys have blood on your hands
•10,000 reward??? Obviously they don't want to find out who did this.
•The war between the rich and the poor has began...
•Their greed have no boundaries, and karma has no deductible.
•If you or a family member are sick, and your insurance company denies your claims, you just might get mad - really really mad.
•Your death claim has been denied. For further details please see your plan details which may need to be upgraded and require a deposit
•Someone's family member probably died so he can make 10 million a year plus bonuses for denying life saving treatment. Zero empathy.
•Comments are telling where we are at. People have woke from a deep sleep.
•Damn Nobody is calling this a tragedy but the News. You reap what you sow I guess
•There are a lot of people calling this a tragedy including 400k of us working at United. Have a heart…
•Thoughts and prayers require prior authorization as they are out of network.
•Was this an out of network shooting?
•Could be a case of the 99% targeting the 1%. The gap between the rich and poor is growing wider by the day.
•looks like self defense
•Sad for his family but it strikes me that the proletariat is made and maybe getting even. CEO’s make 350 times what the average employee makes and far more than many Americans. It’s not fair for people to lose everything they own over a major illness and these guys are raking in the money. My sister lost her business due to a heart attack and the medical bills incurred. Every other developed country has better healthcare than the US. The wealthy always get great healthcare but so should everyone and that’s just not happening in the US.
About the author:
Mike Palecek has worked on newspapers in Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota. He also produced Penn Magazine, and was a co-founder of Moon Rock Books, along with Jim Fetzer, as well as co-hosting, along with Chuck Gregory, The New American Dream Radio Show. He has written several novels. Now retired after working for twenty years with the disabled, Palecek also served five terms in jail and prison for protests against U.S. military policy, and was the Iowa Democratic Party 5th District candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in the 2000 election, receiving 65,500 votes.
(Banned from Canada)
(Palecek video presentations)
Freedom of the Press False Flags & Conspiracies Conference 2020
Freedom of the Press False Flags & Conspiracies Conference 2021
Radio interviews, KPFA, Pacifica Berkeley,
with Denny Smithson
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