[available at Lulu. com]
Common Sense
by Mike Palecek
The strength and power of despotism consists
wholly in the fear of resistance.
— Thomas Paine
Dedicated To:
Jim Fetzer, Wolfgang Halbig, Monika Schaefer, Christopher Bollyn, Scott Creighton, Sofia Smallstorm, Kevin Barrett, David Ray Griffin, Penn Jones, Terrible Tim, Debbie Lusignan, Nicholas Kollerstrom, Ken O’Keefe, Dave McGowan, et. al
Also dedicated to those hundreds of people, in Biloxi, Baraboo, Barstow, Butte, Bancroft and Brooklyn, those people who, on Nov. 22, or Nov. 23, or Nov. 24, 1963, or sometime during the following week, on a long or short walk, or at the kitchen table pouring Froot Loops for the kids or for themselves – those first persons who sat upright in bed at 2:35 a.m. and said ...
“This is bullshit.”
You know who you are.
The takeaway is that our real enemies conceal themselves by fabricating ersatz enemies and elevating them to mythic, iconic status. Their controlled mainstream media summon us daily to engage in the obligatory Orweillian two minutes of hate. When will we wake up and learn to hate not the cartoon figures on the screen, but the psychopath behind the curtain? ... On September 11th, 2001, only a minuscule fraction of Americans knew what a false flag was.
Today, the meme has spread.
When a “mass shooting” or “terrorist attack” happens, such as recent events in Paris and San Bernardino, millions of people immediately suspect ‘false flag.’
This growing public awareness is reflected in popular culture.
— Kevin Barrett
Somebody, after all, had to make a start.
What we wrote and said is also believed by many others.
They just don’t dare to express themselves as we did.
— Sophie Scholl, in The People’s Court
There are things out there we don’t understand.
Can’t understand. Could be the big guy, could be little green men, or just whatnot.
Proving to us we don’t know everything.
But that’s not important.
What’s important is ... a reasonable man, a sane man, a healthy man ... when he encounters the inexplicable ...
forgets about it.
— Maurice J. Minnifield
The mind of an American rules the world.
The President? Warren Buffett? Tiger Woods? Katie Couric? Jon Stewart? The Michelin Man?
No, stupid, it’s you.
You are king of the world, god, superman, King Midas, all that.
It’s you.
You are more than just a legend in your own mind.
You are The Man.
And when the CIA through the CIA propaganda machine called Radio Free Europe or the American Free Press tells you the Russians are coming or the criminals are coming or terrorists or the Iranians or Iraqis of Afghans on nuclear-powered blue donkeys or big bees, and you believe it — well, then, Zeke, that’s how the world will go.
You are powerful, the most powerful yahoo who has ever lived in the history of living.
And you are an idiot.
And the world is going to burn.
You are not an idiot-on-purpose, but an idiot none-the-less.
The CIA, the persons in the CIA are smart.
But they are evil.
The actual Evil Empire.
And they control you.
The most powerful person in the world.
If you were not an idiot they could not do that.
But you are an idiot.
And that’s a bummer, man.
That's bummer.
Is there anyone yet alive who remembers the widely popular terror warning color code public service announcements on television, sponsored by the NFL, Budweiser and Y2K, starring Attorney General John Ashcroft and brand new Homeland Security head wrangler Tom Ridge, standing proud with new pointers and the colorful, photogenic red, orange, yellow, green board depicting the current absolutely fabricated danger level of our lives.
And it was only a few years before that, when yellow ribbons were everywhere, proclaiming that our front porches, our living room walls, our car antennas ... how stray cats supported the troops as they ripped apart the people of Iraq, limb from limb.
At our home in Iowa we [I] taped a sign to the red fire hydrant right outside our house that said the fighter jets now destroying the people of Afghanistan were our terrorists. Someone [they/them] then taped a sign to our front door that said we [I] should go to Canada. If only.
We [I] then taped a sign to our living room window that said we [I] do not support the bombing. I then wrote a letter to the editor regarding 9/11, the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan [why not, one wonders, East Nashville and Nova Scotia?]. A short time later a police officer came to our front door and said someone had called in, saying I had ties to Osama bin Laden. “Just checking.” Absolutely, officer. Due diligence. Allahu Akbar. Go Pack Go.
A few years later I wrote another letter to the editor of the best weekly in the country [for real], where I once worked as a reporter, talking about a new monument in the city park, saying something to the effect that the troops were not heroes. They are murderers. Bush and Israel did 9/11. You [we/I] are so stupid. A bucket of hair has more synapses firing. The next week there was a staff editorial and two pages of reader letters explaining how I was many, many things, none especially flattering.
So, there’s that.
If you have been here since Nov. 23, 1963, June, 7 & April 5, 1968, Sept. 12, 2001, or Dec. 8, 1941, or sometime last week, you have experienced many day-after hangovers of terrible times in the U.S. ... Or, the day after the Reagan election, Bush election, Bush election, Trump, Biden, Trump. The elections of Clinton and Obama did not seem terrible at the time, but in time we found out the only hope we have for real change awaits us in the grave.
And so, having been here for a while you [we/me/I/they/them/these/those] should know that when another of these "things" happens, and now we are also obviously including the hundred-and-more “events” that keep popping up that defy actual known homo sapiens post-menopausal or pubescent or even professional wrestling or professional football fan-type human behavior, when you hear of another, it should be obvious, or common sense, or knee-jerk-duh response that there is more to the story than we are being told by Schmogna Bologna on National Public Radio.
Over time we Americans have been sheep-dipped, horse-whipped, bamboozled, flim-flammed, duped, outfoxed, buffaloed, and hornswoggled by Charles Manson the hippie who stuck a dagger into the peace movement culture, diving under our desks to hide from nuclear war and Sister with my spelling test paper results, also, recall The 20th Hijacker, Unabomber, Shoebomber, Underpantsbomber, candy from strangers, high tower and water tower and water fountain, bowling alley and deer stand and minivan and bigwheel shooters, rug-pee-ers, drive-by elections, razor blades in Snickers bars, radioactive yellow snow, the newest release Osama bin Laden fortress-rock album, and diet Pepsi.
When you think about it, the FBI and CIA have put a crap ton of time and energy into destroying we [you & me, she, he, thee] the American people. They do it in other countries, of course, but here?
Especially here.
But, ahem, we are coming to the end of it all.
It has taken awhile, many, many FBI and CIA agents have done their due diligence, paid for homes, lake homes, health clubs, dedicated careers and retirement pensions in allegiance to their paymasters, in planning, carrying out, covering up Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City, Columbine, Tucson, Aurora, for starters. And there are so many more we can put in there, where agents have groomed, paid, tortured, coerced, forced citizens to play parts in their evil acts, likely, certainly, evidently with the ultimate purpose of making some people rich and other people poor. There is only so much stuff to go around, so much bread, so many homes, boats, Labradoodles, etc. FYI: Real go-getters go and get. You can’t sit around and wait for things to happen.
Ahem, not because we have discovered the truth — though, shhhhhh, we have, actually, long ago, it’s apparently on the down-low — and we are throwing the bastards out into the street, hanging them by the lamp post, using Guantanamo and Leavenworth, Florence and Marion for a just and right purpose, but rather because they have almost completed their task, our destruction, full-spectrum dominance, “full-fucking face-crushing, nose-smashing boot stomping.”
Through it all, people sit at kitchen tables, play cards, Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit Baby Boomer Edition [ahhh, days gone-by], eat, talk, stare at phones, gaze out the window wondering which road is the quickest way out of here — but also drink coffee and work on puzzles, staring forever straight down and around and once in a while declaring they have one. These people are a little different, but, ahem, Alice, all the best people are.
They are trying to put together the puzzle pieces scattered to the winds by the FBI and CIA, of the murders of John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Paul Wellstone. Also Boston, Sandy Hook ... Orlando, LAX, the D.C. sniper [has it been that long already? time flies], church shooters, midget desperadoes, Labradoodle mass casualty events, school shooters, mother stabbers, father rapers, and other mean, nasty, and ugly things.
These people, while seated at their own kitchen table, are also perched on the Group W Bench Of America, where they put you if you might not be moral enough to remain within the circle of trust, the razor-wired purple mountains of normal American majesty. You can say whatever you like, but you will forever be a stranger among us. Something like that.
So, we [I/me] assert that it is common-sensical that when one encounters one of these new events, by way of National Public Radio, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, or from Dan Barreiro on KFAN sports radio, the good American, the real American assumes — by now! he-ello! — FBI, CIA. The real American, when he/she is admonished to stand the-fuck-up at the national anthem to smile and wave at killer fighter jets zoomimg overhead, remains seated, asserting, not until I get a few of these questions answered.
When a common man or woman continues to daily cross paths with the FBI/CIA energizer bunny disguised as Ashli Babbitt, George Floyd or Carl Brand New Storm Windows — rather than a mad pursuit down that rabbit hole — the good American, the loyal American, the sane American cares enough to find out the truth.
Of course, George W. Bush was not really the President, both times. We know that. We don’t care. Joe Biden was not the real President, that election was also stolen. We don’t really care. We’ve got other shit to do. Whatev. Are there more? The truth is, we really don’t know. No worries.
Our ubiquitous lawn signs proclaim Science Is Science/End of Discussion, Go Abortion! Walz! Biden! Harris! Trump! MulchFest, Ukraine, ISIS, honey bees and cigarette trees and The Cow Jumped Over The Moon.
And, of course The Holocaust in Gaza — We Support — the second such event in history, the other being the slaughter of the native Americans across the North American landscape. While the so-called Holocaust of World War II appears to be a ruse, a club, cudgel used to conquer, as in, “by way of deception, you shall do war.” [Also See: Oct. 7.] And of course, both major political parties in the United States are completely overcome by this deception, not that they are necessarily fooled, they have given in, to fear, to money. It does not need to be said that there was much suffering in World War II. It's just that there were no heroes. All sides killed. The winning side was able to conduct the courtroom proceedings as needed to cover up their own crimes. That is how it works.
[Also See: Today.]
We are adorable as puppies, dumb as dirt, and dangerous to ourselves and others.
We do not know.
We simply do not understand.
Nobody knows how their car works.
Nobody knows how to build their own house.
Nobody knows how to live off the land.
Nobody knows what the deal is with debit and credit, daylight savings time, or the cold air return.
Nobody knows how the pioneers did it. (Just luck, scientists believe. Their parents probably helped.)
Nobody knows why it was not they who thought of the words, standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona, when it clearly should have been them.
Nobody knows where electricity comes from or where have all the flowers gone.
It’s not just you.
It’s everybody.
And common sense tells us we are toast, our full spectrum has been completely snookered ... IF ... at the next boilerplate announcement by Lester Holt, Schmogna Bologna, and Whoopi Goldberg, accompanied by serious music, of the latest event: that the President caught the bullet in his hand, thank you, Jesus; that the 99 Chinese red balloons which caused the avalanche that covered the quiet little mountain town ...; that the Hillary Clinton double who received the Medal of Freedom from the Joe Biden actor ...; that certain unnamed cats have been caused embarrassment bordering on anxiety by the videos someone posted on social media; that The Wonder Boy Louisville Slugger Bat has escaped from Cooperstown, headed toward Fort Detrick, then Beijing, two feared nauseous already, millions will die; that the crazed gorilla wearing an ISIS do-rag, waving a banana-scented manifesto in its fist, after posting a menacing video, which was threatening the Pennsylvania village, has been taken down by spitwads and disposed of by heroic bystanders, who, along with the gorilla, disappeared into a hole in the ground, and all we can see now is a giant national park with a kick-ass record-setting roller coaster, and bronze statue of a giant, raging ISIS gorilla with diverse heroes swinging from his sides; when Lester Holt joins hands with Whoopi and Schmogna, and Stephen Colbert, Rachel Maddow and Anderson Cooper dance over from the wings, and they all hold hands and proclaim, “I believe that ancient Jews built boats and sailed to America!” ...
We are toast ... IF we do not throw open the window, shout out the window, jump out the window, fall flat on our face in the mud, the blood and the beer, get up, ripping our clothes, pulling our hair by the roots, shouting, screaming, fellowshipping after church, telling the others at the coffee shop, across the Thanksgiving adult big table, for the office workshop icebreaker, in front of the classroom ... hit the gong for God’s sake, tell them it’s over ...
“It’s a phony, fake show, it’s a phony fake show ... it’s a phony fake show.”
your writing style reminds me of another internet warrior, one Les Visible of 'Smoking Mirrors' fame. Same ascerbic wit and eyes wide open memes. Reading your books right now. Thanks for the refreshingly honest vibe.
This is entertaining writing, thanks. I might suggest that it is the 'smart' people that cause most problems, thinking they are so smart they can do the thinking for everybody. I do share in your notion that we are quite ignorant, as it's painful making many connections.